The network of Christian educators endeavors to connect evangelical Christians, who work at schools, and to reinforce Christian influence in Czech education. It connects mostly educators, Christians, who are teaching at the various types of Primary and Secondary Schools, Christian speakers, who work at the school and also Christian Schools. NEWS:Video Workshop Bobby Jackson: Experimental education. (Conference of The Christian Educators Network, Trinec 1.4.2017)
Main objectives of the network:
- Interconnection of Christians working at school environment
- Strengthening Christian influence in Czech Schools
- Supporting Christian educators in their profession
- Interconnection with specialized foreign professional groups
- Sharing know-how and materials
Offer to educators:
- Interconnection on Facebook, group called Christians in education
- E-mail news, invitations, materials, inspiration
- Set of Exit316 to schools for those who are logged
- Database of Christian speakers working at schools
- Conferences – meeting of the network of Christian educators once a year
- Distribution of appropriate Christian materials from Czech and foreign sources
- Teaching materials, Packages of Project Days in “Spiritual Heritage series” for example Bible, John Hus, Comenius
- Supporting Ethics education and involvement of Christians
- Teacher as a leader, role model and adviser – in a personal relationship with the pupils, etc.
- Curriculum support of Christian influence
Why? The situation in our country changed after 1989 and it brought a huge increase in the number of Christians in educational professions, which was previously forbidden for Christians. A new generation of Christian educators has grown up in the Czech Republic. Also Christian schools were founded and Christian organizations cooperating with schools. So today we are facing a situation where our opportunities as for Christians to influence education is huge. The only question is whether we use the opportunities given to us, concentrate experiences and cooperate or not. Czech Evangelical Alliance in cooperation with Christian Josiah Venture Czech Republic initiate the establishment of the network of Christian educators. Educators are people who have influence on the new generation in our country. They also effect the current developments of establishment of Ethics education to public schools. We believe, that the network will enable Christian educators to be informed about what is happening in the sphere of their influence and what opportunities are currently offered for them. In a long term goal Czech Evangelical Alliance wants to arouse the interest of the Church on education and submit it as interesting, viable, attractive and meaningful way to the transformation of society. We believe that the cooperation among educators may develop similarly as in other Christian professional associations, as for example lawyers, medics. Hopefully the issue of education will get more attention.
Map of the members of network of Christian educators: View map of Christian educators and speakers on a larger map. Staff associated with the network: The network of Christian educators was founded by the cooperation of Evangelical Alliance and Josiah Venture Czech Republic.
Since October 2013 there is an advisory board for the network of Christian Educators:
- PaedDr. Milan Pecka– chairman of the working group
- Mgr. Jan Kuklínek– administrator
- Mgr. Petr Herman – representative for Secondary and Christian Schools
- Tomáš Řehák– representative for speakers
- PhDr. Jan Hábl Ph.D. – representative for Universities and churches
- Mgr. Jiří Tomiczek – representative for Secular Schools
Contact people are:
- Jiří Unger, chairman of EA, tel. +420 777 842 000
- Jan Kuklínek, leader of gospel to school, (speakers, conferences a lecturer´s academy) tel. +420 774 498 370,
- Ladislav Hanuš, coordinator, (educators network and Daniel weekends) tel. +420 721 634 849,
Since August 2015 God has given Ladislav the opportunity to serve as Christian teachers. He works as coordinator of Christian Educators Network organized by Josiah Venture. More than 400 network members affect tens of thousands of children and young people in bringing Gods love and truth to public schools. God answered his pray for the service between the school and mission. He support planting teacher praying groups, prepare trainings and conferences and share events and materials.
Ladislav also works as high school teacher of landscape ecology and forestry. In addition to teaching at his school, Ladislav teaches at other schools training program about preacher and martyr of the truth John Hus and life values (e.g. truth, fait, courage, forgiveness …) with which young people can stand in their life situations.
His team, in cooperation with Cristian Educators Association International and Tentmakers, is leading the Daniel Teachers Movement in the Europe, and their dreams is hundreds of educators who, as biblical Daniel, stood up in their teaching profession.